Saturday, April 14, 2018

Tip #8 Pick a Major You Enjoy!

My eighth tip to survive college is to pick a major you enjoy Yes, money is great however, if you do not enjoy your career your going to be miserable for the rest of your life. In college it makes studying and doing your work so much easier when you enjoy what you’re learning about. Also, most majors require field hours, clinical hours, or internships.  Your career path is something that your going to do for the rest of your life so make sure you chose wisely. 

Do not pick a major just because one of your friends is doing it. Yes, I understand that school is easier to go through with friends however, you still have them as a friend and if you chose that major just because they did you will not enjoy doing that career for the rest of your life. Also, do not talk yourself out of a career because you do not think you are smart enough or just because you do not think you can do it. You can do whatever you put your mind to. A lot of people change their major or chose a major different than from what they want to do because they do not think they are capable of doing it. However, you will never know until you find out. 

If you pick a career path and you decide that you want to switch do it. Do not finish that major if that is not what you want to do for the rest of your life. Yes, I know that throwing away 1 or 2 years of college is hard because you chose a different major, but you will have wished you changed if you continue to study something you do not enjoy. I also realize college is a lot of money but you’re going to college to be able to make something of yourself and you want yourself to be happy. 

Pick the major you want to study, not what anybody else wants you to pick. Also, if you think a major is to hard for you to succeed there are so many resources out there to help you succeed and so many people willing to help you. Anything is possible if you work hard enough at it. A major is a life long decision so if you do not know what you want to do right off the bat take your required classes and take time to think about it. Also, if you think you want to do more than one thing double major or even minor in things. College gives you so many options so take your time and decide when your ready.

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