Saturday, April 14, 2018

Tip #2 on How to Survive College!

My second tip to survive college is too make new friends. This is a very big part in your college experience. Yes, I know you have friends back home or friends that even followed you to college. However, the people you meet in college will be your friends for the rest of your life. Yes, your going to find friends who do you wrong, but you will also find some of the greatest people in college. You are also going to be exposed to a lot of different cultures that you have not been exposed to. It is so interesting seeing how the cultures are so different.

When meeting friends in college the best thing to do is just be yourself. Your going to find people who have the same hobbies and interests as you. Also befriend people who are older and younger than you. By befriending people who are older than you they have probably took some of the classes you are taking and could give you advice or even help you. Not to mention they might still have their old exams which in college is like finding magic treasure. Also, if they have not taken the class they more than likely know someone who does.

When it comes to making new friends do not be scared to ask a random person if you can sit with them at lunch or sit by a random person in class. To make new friends you have to put yourself out there. Your friends are going to make your college experience easier. Trust me college is not easy no matter what major you pick. Your friends are going to be there to laugh, cry and stress with you when you need them to be. If you live on campus you first new friend is probably going to be your roommate. My best advice for you is to befriend your roommate, you do have to live with him/her. Plus, your roommate could become your best friend.

Yes, college is about finding your career path. However, you do not want to remember college as you did nothing but study and sat in your room all day. Go out and have fun with your new friends. Those are going to be the memories you will cherish for a lifetime. College is only 4 years of your life (if you do not go to grad school). Make memories and live it will you can because if you don’t your going to wish you did.

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