Saturday, April 14, 2018

Tip #5 Stay Organized!

My fifth tip to surviving college is to get organized and to stay organized. When you get organized it makes your life so much easier. When your organized you can find things easier and it will make you less stressed. Also, your less likely to lose your homework or notes when your organized. 

Make sure you have folders and notebooks for each class. DO not use the same folder for each class because then you will get the material mixed up. Also, you might take similar classes and if you do and do not have different folders you are just going to confuse yourself even more. I also would recommend using a notebook for each individual class because you would again mix up the notes for other classes. I would also recommend using a notebook instead of using loss leaf notebook paper because you can easily lose loss leaf paper. 

A planner will be your best friend in college. Without a planner you will lose track of when assignments are due and when you have important meetings. At the beginning of the semester each professor will give you a syllabus with all the due dates and test dates. When you get the syllabus write down all the due dates and test dates into your planner, so you know when you have what exam or assignment due for what class. Trust me you are going to have a lot of exams and its easier to look at your exam schedule when you have all the exam dated located in one place. A planner also can tell you if you are busy one week and not the other. 

I also recommend having a calendar hanging up in your room. This way you can easily look at it before leaving for class or when you get back from class to know everything that you need to do for that day. This also helps you stay organized without having to have your planner everywhere you go. 

Staying organized also in your room can keep you from losing things and it helps you know where books and material are. Staying organized will help you be less stressed because you will not lose papers or notes. Also it helps you be prepared for exams and assignments due. It will also help you be on time to class and to important meetings that you need to attend.  

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